Choose the Right Shade of White for Your Wedding Dress

As you search for the perfect wedding dress, it is all too easy to become overwhelmed. With many styles to choose from, you will certainly try them all on, and decide which one is the most fitting for your body type. In addition to the style, you will be seeking the most beautiful details, whether they be some sparkling elements, gems, or lace.
However, have you given much thought to the color of dress? As pure white is not your only option.
We all have different skin tones, and some shades of white will better complement your color better than others. That’s why, here at Signature Occasions, we have gathered some information in regards to shades of wedding dresses to better assist you in choosing yours. If you are on the hunt for your perfect gown, be sure to continue reading for some insight:
Bright white. When you think of a wedding dress, you most often will consider it to be pure white, also known as bright white. Bright white is the purest shade of white, and is intriguingly striking against dark skin. However, if your skin tone is fair or medium, bright white can drain color from your appearance, so you may way to consider tanning if choosing a gown in this shade.
Ivory. If you are seeking a shade that will pair beautifully with virtually any skin tone, ivory is a grand choice. Ivory will not suck the color out of a fair or medium bride’s appearance, and will also act as an elegant accent against darker skin. Also, it can help to make the color of your eyes pop.
Champagne white. With its beautiful slight pink undertone, champagne white is such an elegant choice that will allow you to represent a loving hue within your dress. Appearing nearly white, you will receive a richness that pairs well with olive skin. If you want to go a little deeper with more of a pink hue, you can choose a rum white gown.
Your wedding dress will be your most gorgeous adornment as the bride. Consider these shades when choosing yours, so that you can discover just the right look for your skin tone. If you are searching for a Ridgeland, Mississippi wedding planner, Signature Occasions is ready to bring your vision to life. Contact us today to begin planning your Mississippi wedding.